White Bread Recipe

We love homemade bread. We love baking it, we love smelling it, we love eating it. The first time I made bread was a few months after we got married. I've been hooked ever since. There's something very relaxing about making bread (and I don't mean dumping all the ingredients in a bread machine, I mean making it all by hand), I absolutely love it. And Marc doesn't complain when I take a few hours to make a couple loaves. We've tried lots of recipes, some better than others, but we wanted to share this recipe that we discovered on Pinterest with you because it makes GINORMOUS loaves of bread! We took pictures to prove it to you.  (Ignore the messy tabletop but admire Marc's apron :D) The first time we made this recipe, the dough deflated in the oven, but this time it rose beautifully. The crust gets a little hard but if you store the loaves in plastic bags, it softens up a bit. Also, it makes A LOT of dough, our little kitchen-aid can barely handle it all, so we have to knead it by hand (Marc is really good at this in case you were wondering). Once we tasted it right out of the oven with honey smothered all over it, we were in love.

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