Post Graduation Vacation

The day after graduation, a crew of family and friends came over to our apartment to help us move out. Everyone was a huge help and we were done before lunchtime. We decided to move in with Marc's parents before we headed Arizona to medical school (which by the way didn't happen. Instead we moved to Des Moines, Iowa! And I know some of you are thinking you chose Iowa over Arizona?? but we already love it here and are excited for all of our adventures in the Midwest). We didn't drive to Idaho right away, we stayed around Utah for a bit so we could spend more time with family and watch the spring musical at the Middle School I did my student teaching at. Once we did get back to Idaho we packed up right away for a fishing trip in Hell's Canyon. I'll let the pictures do most of the storytelling...

The boat.

First ride on the boat.

We stayed the first night at our guide's cabin.

Most of us couldn't help but stare at the view. 

Next morning. Out and about early to catch us some fish.

The gang. We color-coordinated. (Haha...not really.)

Fishing is hard work so we had to take naps. 

We came across this picturesque little historic farm on the side of the river.

Best part? It had a flushable toilet!

The brown building behind us is a little museum and the white building is the caretaker's house. 

Then it was back to more fishing. 

We fished up the river, then back down the next day. Here are some of the views along the way...

Fresh fish for dinner. So good! We all slept in the boat that night. (Oh and as a side note in case any of you are wondering how the ladies--aka me--went to the bathroom...can you tell what we're docked up against? No? It's sheer rock. With poison oak. Yeah, try popping a squat in that in the dead of night.) 

The last day of the trip the guys tried going after sturgeon but only managed to hook on to catfish. 

Marc was pretty proud of his catch. 

And if Marc wasn't already proud of his catfish he certainly was after his dad caught on to this one. He's holding it out as far as he can so it appears bigger than it really is. :) Our guide approved.

On the way back down the river to the trucks, we had to don these stylish jackets. There are some pretty crazy rapids on the Snake River. It was like Splash Mountain--I was squealing most of the time!

Once we got through the craziness, we were all excited to see this view. Can you tell what it is? Rocky Mountain big horn sheep. So cool to see them so close! The trip was definitely a fun adventure. One that I wouldn't mind repeating (as long as we have more access to flushable toilets next time). It was a great way to celebrate our graduation. 


  1. cool trip! I hope you didn't get any poison oak in any *ahem* uncomfortable places... :)

  2. Very cool set of photos of the trip!!
