The Pretzel Roll Trend

Pretzel rolls have been everywhere lately, almost every fast food joint has their own variation of a burger or sandwich using the trendy rolls and of course Pinterest has its fair share of DIY recipes. Today, the pretzel roll trend made it into our house. Marc has been sending me what he likes to call "subliminal messages" (aka huge hints) all week about making our own pretzel rolls. I told him that I would only make them on a day when he could help me. I make my fair share of rolls and breads but was a little wary to try out the popular pretzel roll all by myself. Even though he's studying today, Marc stayed home so he could help out. 

Here's our finished product. (Recipe can be found at Mel's Kitchen Cafe.)

As we were shaping rolls and boiling water I said to Marc, "You're pretty spoiled, you know that, right?" He smiled and said "Yeah." I am at a disadvantage though because, honestly, who can resist his smile-mid-bite face?? 

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